Healthy Eating and Exercise Tips
Enjoy these healthy recipes and habits to help increase your wellbeing
Recipes for Gut Health, Performance and Sports Recovery
by Alethea Mills
Alethea Mills, is a Gold Coast based Clinical Nutritionist with a Bachelor’s Degree of Health Science in Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine.
I’m passionate about helping people rediscover the spark of vitality deep within.
Delicious Recipes by Adam Guthrie
The below recipes come from Adam Guthrie who is an Australian Food Writer, Plant-Based Wellness Coach and Inspiring Keynote Speaker.
Adam is a vegan whose passion for food began with a life-threatening illness and continues today in a lifestyle built around healthy cooking and eating. Adam is a qualified chef and wellness coach who specialises in a wholefood, plant-based diet. Adam shares how to prepare delicious, healthy food for health, energy and vitality. He conducts online healthy eating and wellness programs and gives keynote talks, live cooking and cooking classes on the subject of healthy eating and living well.

Delicious Recipes by ASWA
The below recipes were first published by the Australasian Sustainable Wellness Academy (ASWA). You might recognise a few of these from our SWISH Day!
Delicious Breakfast Recipe Ideas
Have a great healthy recipe that you would like to share here with the Team? We would love to try it!

Exercise Tips
Quick and easy ideas to help increase your physical and mental health
We all know how important exercise is to keep physically healthy, but did you know that exercise can also keep you mentally healthy? Exercise does not have to be strenuous, structured, take a long time or have a one size fits all approach.

What are the mental health benefits of excercise?
Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better mental health, better emotional wellbeing and lower rates of mental illness. Exercise not only boosts our mood, concentration and alertness, but also improves cardiovascular and overall physical health. Regular exercise can help you sleep better and good sleep aids to regulate our moods.
What are the impacts of
sedentary sitting?
Sedentary sitting requires little energy output and physical inactivity is a primary cause of most chronic diseases. Some implications of prolonged sitting are that it can lead to the weakening and wasting away of the large leg and gluteal muscles which increases your risk of injury, putting on weight (as you are not moving) and digesting the fats and sugars that we eat. Excessive sitting can also place strain on your back, which will struggle to support you as your hip flexor shortens which can lead to problems with your hip joints.

Try increasing your incidental movements throughout the day!
Incidental movement is when you have several activities that build up over the day that amount to small bursts of movement.
For example, you may like to take the stairs, walk to and from your car, get a glass of water or take a stroll outside.
Instead of having a one-on-one meeting in your office, change scenery and go for a ‘walk and talk’
Take intermittent breaks: get a glass of water or use the photocopier to break up your sitting if you are working for prolonged sessions at your desk
Eat your lunch away from your desk, use it as a chance to get outside and enjoy the sunshine!
When using your mobile, go for a ‘walk and talk’
Take a walk during one of your breaks
Park your car further away from your destination